Professional Photography and Staging in Real Estate
Is it true what they say? That getting your home photographed or staged by a professional service will get you top dollar? YEP! Here is why!!
Say it ain’t so. Nope, I cant because it is true! When you decide to list your home for sale and you are eager to get the top dollar and best timing possible, one thing for sure is do not skimp on the professional services! Professional photography is a must! Staging is always a good idea but may be situational! Stick with us and read on as we explore why this is true and how to go about it!
Imagine, it is Spring, birds are chirping, flowers are in blooms, the yard is back to its prime, it is warm enough to go outside and finally take in the fresh air, and school is almost out! It is like humanity is crawling out of the crevasses (especially after the snow and covid!!). People seem a tad bit more likely to stop and chat on the sidewalk, the summer spirit is in the air and we are jazzed about it!! One of the major reasons we are sooo jazzed is because we did ALL THE THINGS at the beginning of the year to plan this year out to a “T”! Vision board in full swing, goals written and put out into the universe, and being executed daily! We rock! This is very well going to also include all of the house projects we have planned and budgeted for!! And then… the phone rings (which is weird because it is the weekend and I am off which was strategically planned so that I can get my garden planted)… the nervousness grows when you finally answer after having the preliminary conversation with yourself about why the phone was ringing in the first place… It is your boss… the pit gets deeper faster as she explains to you how important you are to the company and that is exactly why the company needs you to pack up your home, your life, your plans, your goals, and move to the new state that they are opening a branch in that they want you to head up. Breathe. You have been wanting and waiting for this opportunity but according to your vision board this was “suppose” to happen here where you have planted your roots (see what I did there haha)… And then this boss of yours throws the last dagger… The company needs you moved and settled in one month! Chill dude, you’re a planner remember -”You did ALL THE THINGS….”. There is literally no time to waste, so now what??
What does this have to do with the title of this blog? Keep reading, I am getting there!!!
This story may feel/seem very familiar to you, or maybe you know someone in your close circle of people that has experienced this type of panic moment in their life. Either way, there will be a mountain of things to do and pack and change over for this to be successful. Not only is the RELOCATION (check out that blog next!) scary enough on its own, but this gorgeous home of yours that you have tended to and love so much needs to be sold, and fast! This concept makes the packing and change of address seem like a cake walk. Have no fear, as a Realtor I can offer a multitude of hope and strategy to you and your concerns! See, I have been on both sides of this story! I will take the brunt of the stress off of you and carry it on my own sholders until at last it will be lifted completely!
This is where we get back to the professional services!
You will build your dream team at this point! This team will consist of your Realtor here to help you sell and the one on the other side to help you buy, your Title Company, Possibly a Lender, inspector, and moving assistant! Your team will set a solid plan of attack and start executing! At this point in the prep to sell your home, your Realtor will walk you through how to get your home picture and show ready (Armor RE does, and pays for your pics!). This is very important!! The reason that we insist on professional photography is because we want to showcase your home to the public in its best light! By having these pictures taken we also enable your home to be exposed to not only the local MLS, but also multiple websites, platforms, and Zillow! We will be able to get your home seen by hundreds and thousands of consumers and populate a beautiful virtual tour! We will be able to use these photos for marketing on social media, our website, and listing flyers and material at the home! If we are in a situation where your furniture and belongs are needing to be shipped out and/or removed prior to pictures and showings, Armor RE will suggest that we stage your home!
Staging your home intel’s hiring a professional company to bring marketable and “the latest” styles of furniture to show how lovely each room and the space is in your home! To allow buyers to visualize themselves living there, inspiring them to look past paint and carpet, this will also statistically sell your home faster and for the best price possible!
Take a look at some stats from the NAR 2020 report!!
Home Staging -Buyers’ Agent Perspective:
• Forty percent of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home.
• Eighty-three percent of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.
• Staging the living room was found to be most important for buyers (47 percent), followed by staging the master bedroom (42 percent), and staging the kitchen (35 percent).
• One-quarter of buyer’s agents said that staging a home increased the dollar value offered between one and five percent, compared to other similar homes on the market that are not staged.
Home Staging -Sellers’ Agent Perspective:
• Twenty-eight percent of sellers’ agents said they staged all sellers’ homes prior to listing them for sale. Thirteen percent noted that they only staged homes that are difficult to sell.
• The most common rooms that were staged included the living room (93 percent), kitchen (84 percent), master bedroom (78 percent), and the dining room (72 percent).
• It was common that sellers’ agents personally offered to stage the home (26 percent).
• The median dollar value spent on home staging was $400.
• When staging a home, 22 percent of sellers’ agents reported an increase of one to five percent of the dollar value offered by buyers, in comparison to similar homes. Seventeen percent of respondents stated that staging a home increased the dollar value of the home between six and 10 percent.
• Twenty-eight percent of sellers’ agents stated that there were slight decreases in the time on the market when the home is staged.
• The most common home improvement items agents recommended to sellers were decluttering the home (95 percent), entire home cleaning (89 percent), removing pets during showings (83 percent), and carpet cleaning (78 percent).