The Blog
Gain knowledge and feel empowered that you are making the best decisions for you when it comes to your real estate endeavors. Explore our curated content below and learn more about real estate, property management and the buying/selling process.
The fed cut rates
THE FED CUT RATES!!!!! This is what we are all hearing! So what does that mean and how does it affect how and what you will do in your real estate journey!!! Read on!
5 Reasons Spring is The Best Time To Sell A Home
Spring is in the air!! We cant wait to feel the warmth of the sun and the real estate market!!! We want to give you 5 reasons why spring is a great time to sell your home!!!
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Is now the time to think about a down sizing or an expanding your home? Ready to sell to move up or down? Ready to look at how to keep your home as a rental and buy a new one to fit your life now? Keep reading!
5 reasons that the Spring is a great time to sell a home!
5 reasons that the spring is a great time to sell a home!